The Change And Development Of Hardware Market

Mechanical hardware mold Professional market as a producer services, to provide comprehensive services for enterprises, covering customer non-core business needs, the realization of large-scale product management, intensive, information-based. Give full play to its multiple service functions, to achieve the transition from a specialized market to a comprehensive market.

Throughout the domestic mechanical metal mold professional market, gradually from the loose extensive operation management and the simple trading function of the traditional model to gather all kinds of innovative elements of the new market organization system and business model. Seeking transformation, and strive to innovate services, strengthen their own brand characteristics become more and more internal mechanical hardware mold professional market consensus and pursuit.

Mechanical hardware mold Professional market as a producer services, to provide comprehensive services for enterprises, covering customer non-core business needs, the realization of large-scale product management, intensive, information-based. Give full play to its multiple service functions, to achieve the transition from a specialized market to a comprehensive market.

Trade mode and market form innovation
E-commerce facilitates the electronic, networked and market-form virtualization and diversification of the physical market transaction process. Domestic hardware machinery mold industry’s first mobile internet E-commerce platform-Jin Jing Qualcomm, through this platform, the market buyers and sellers will be traditional on-site transactions into Non-contact remote transactions, at the same time through electronic directory, electronic advertising, electronic contracts, electronic billing, electronic customs, electronic consignment, electronic tax, the spot transactions into warehouse transactions, forward transactions, etc., to achieve the transformation of market form to virtualization …

Display function Innovation
Mechanical Hardware Mold Professional market products Display General store display, exhibition display, and other ways, however, the physical market by space-time constraints, the display of a narrow surface and other factors, hindering the promotion of its display function. Jinming International Machinery Mold City Brand machinery trading Area (machine tool 4s shop Display center) through the display of machine tools, demonstration functions, to increase the experience of display, build a sound service platform, innovative display functions.

Second, e-commerce and traditional professional market fixed venues and commercial position, compared with the perennial sales model, it can save a lot of expenses (such as regular lighting, water supply, heating and market health, safety, etc.), and can transcend time and space constraints, quickly gather a large number of trading subjects and various types of information, especially to attract and gather many international buyers. Through the online virtual display, the use of intangible market unlimited expansion, but also to increase the physical market product information scalability and transparency. At present, jinming International machinery Mold City Full use of e-commerce, the realization of the mechanical hardware mold industry informatization “trade” trade.

Logistics Function Innovation
Compared with traditional logistics, modern logistics has the characteristics of management system, transportation rationalization, warehousing automation, packaging service standardization, loading and unloading machinery, distribution integration, information networking and so on. In the new modern logistics mode, the traditional professional market of a large number of consignment agencies will be integrated into the modern logistics distribution center, operators only need to transport goods to the Logistics center, under the unified and coordinated management, through the route sorting, circulation processing gathered to the corresponding route of the consignment point, thus facilitating the shortening of circulation time, the development of modern trade, reduce social inventory and circulation costs and so on. Metal Stamping Parts

Supply Chain technology Innovation
With the powerful computing power of computer and the instantaneous transmission function of Internet information, professional market sponsors or E-commerce platform providers can automatically match the buyers and sellers, matchmaking transactions, and can be tens of thousands of supply and demand information classification, integration, small orders for large-scale orders, through with the product supply and demand for trade, to obtain as large as possible scale effect. This will make the traditional “one-to-many”, “many to many” complex transactions in the professional market evolved into “one-to-one” simple transactions, the buyer and seller all need to supply and demand information to the E-commerce network platform provider can, market risk significantly reduced, transaction costs dropped significantly.

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